Day of Remembrance

20 Nov

Today I am consciously thinking about who I never want to be.

Sometimes these lessons come from my own mistakes and shortcomings, and other times they are lessons I witness from the behavior and choices of others.

I am reminded today that I want to say what I mean and mean what I say. I want to speak my truth and maintain my integrity. I want to help give a voice to those that feel silenced. I won’t pretend to be someone I’m not. I won’t con or deceive or abuse someone’s trust and loyalty. And above all, I won’t be bought. Ever.

People can be cruel, thoughtless and self absorbed, but those are all choices, and every choice ripples out and changes the world around us, a tiny wave at a time.

I want to be able to sleep at night. I want to be comfortable with my own company. I want to authentically be proud of myself, and not require false praise from others.

When I look back at my legacy, there may not be much there, but I would hope I’m leaving kindness, positive change, love, and decency behind me. I won’t leave a trail of pain and lies behind me. That is enough of a legacy for me, I think.

To those that have spent their legacy harming others and gluttonously consuming anything in their path and spitting out refuse in word and deed, it’s not too late to change. No one is a lost cause until they are dead. Making a change for the better takes balls, and heart, and insight, but it’s so much easier on the soul than the alternative.

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