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The Kick-Ass, Transformative Magic of Gratitude

16 Jan

For those that really know me, there have been some pretty powerful changes in my life of late. I’m very close to finishing my masters degree. I’ve taken a step back from some areas where I have felt unwanted, under valued or misunderstood. I have started planning a wedding for the end of this year, something that I never thought I would have any desire to ever do, yet here I am. I am profoundly and irrevocably changed. Miracles overflow and I find myself in tears with honor and humility.

When I look at all of the work I have done on myself in the past ten years or so, primarily as a desperate, potentially final attempt to do anything to improve the lives of my children and myself with so many significant medical, developmental and mental health needs, there is only one primary ingredient that has easily been the miracle key to improved wellness. It’s GRATITUDE.

With my own therapy, my advancing education, my 20 years of work in advocacy, energy work, alternative care, medication when required, and faith, I have made a pivotal shift in my thinking and therefore my wellbeing and what I then give off and spread to others. There are two sides to anything. We can and do naturally focus on the negative side of things, because throughout history and evolution, it was the negative information that kept us alive, like, oh, avoid those bushes, there’s a tiger in there. We did not need to remember or be able to put a lot of energy in focusing on the fact that our mom thought we were lovable.

Yet, as I have now been taught, every negative teaches you a positive. Every time you learn what you don’t want, you very specifically also learn what you do, and you can focus your energy on that. That’s the other side of the coin. If every time you think of the negative, you flip the coin over, you can learn to shift to gratitude, which welcomes an entirely refreshing new energy and vibration. It shifts what we attract and how we feel in our physical experience. I’m certainly not saying our struggles and challenges all disappear, it’s just we can learn to view them from an entirely different perspective.

Some examples might be:

Instead of focusing on lack, flip to anticipation of abundance and what could come.

Instead of fear of pain or loss, focus on growing in experience and welcoming change.

Instead of hating some jerk in the store, ripple out an example of extending grace and kindness. They are telling you they need it and you no longer have to meet their vibration because you know how to raise yours.

It’s quite hard to do, but with gratitude in every moment, it can become second nature…and not only for ourselves but also for the empathy, grace, love and compassion that we offer to others. If we can see both sides of our own coins, we can more comfortably sit with the sides of the coin of those we don’t naturally like or agree with. We can see them as whole humans with purpose and worth and we can take something positive away from what they teach us and we can be grateful for the exchange. Every. Single. Time.

If I could give you all a gift, and a gift that has totally changed the quality of my life, I would offer you gratitude. I can’t make you open the beautiful present, no matter how desperately I want to, and I can’t make you see what I do. I can’t drag anyone along in my enlightenment journey and I can’t wake up anyone else or change your vision like I’ve changed my own. Yet I can plant a seed. I can leave my hand out and extend it to you to join me. I can be grateful for you and our interaction and exchange. I can be grateful you are here on this planet right now, very intentionally, purposefully and necessarily, and know I am graced with what you can teach me too.

I’ll leave this lovely little package with the sparkly silver bow right here. It’s so full I could barely close it. It’s abundantly bursting with all I want to share as long as I am able. Gratitude. It’s the magic ingredient. It’s glowing, and it’s right there for you to take anytime. You are worth it, I promise.

Embracing Big

16 Oct

I have always been BIG. I’m not necessarily referring to physical size, although that has fluctuated throughout my life, but I’m talking about my essence. My presence, my energy, has always been intense and large. This has not always served me well and has left me alone and in pain many, many times.

BIG-ness can be intimidating to those that aren’t taking up as much space. I have been given well-intended but very poor advice to dim my light. I have been told to hide more of myself, to not love so much or so hard, and to water down myself so that others feel more comfortable with themselves and me. These suggestions really don’t serve anyone, including those bothered, annoyed or intimidated by my BIG-ness. I can’t learn from them as a less-than version of me, and they can’t learn from my existence in their presence if we aren’t both authentic in the exchange.

I can’t be someone else, only the best me possible. I shouldn’t be expected to be less. I shouldn’t have to dim or shrink to be accepted, wanted or loved. Most of my life, this has made me feel like an alien. I am so different and I don’t belong here and can’t find my place. I’m so much, but what so many critics or haters fail to see is that my so-much-ness has tremendous positive power, not just the annoying pieces. My love is BIG. My passion is BIG. My voice is BIG. My life-force is BIG. Attempting to shrink to fit societal norms, is energetic suicide. I can’t. I won’t try anymore. Being left out and rejected or abandoned hurts, but I’m an exotic flavor….bold, vibrant, spicy, and yes, BIG. I’m not vanilla. Certainly there have been times that I wish I was…how much easier life would be if I knew how to blend into the background…a wallflower…a forgettable face. Hiding in plain sight sometimes sounds nice…even refreshing.

That’s obviously not what I’m here for. Some souls are bright lights, while some are shadows. Don’t let shadows snuff out your glow. Shine brighter. The only way we will make anything better in this world is shining our unique and purposeful light as brightly as we can while we can.

I often don’t know where I’m headed, what I’m doing, or who’s coming along and who’s staying behind, but I have to shine or die. Those are my only options. Like Red said so astutely, “get busy living or get busy dying.” For me, there isn’t gray here. I must evolve, I must speak, I must emote. I must use what I have been through and been given for the betterment of others and the world I’ll leave behind. Mundane isn’t my gig. Average isn’t my gig. I have many jobs and roles but the common denominator is my BIG-ness serves a purpose. I’m here to be BIG…love me or hate me. I’m still going to be me, either way.

Someday I’ll know why. ..Maybe not in this life, but someday.

Someday I’ll know why I’ve been a triangle in a box of squares. I guess one takeaway is that I won’t be forgotten very easily.

BIG does come with its advantages.

Perpetual Grief

7 Nov

Unfortunately we live in a culture and a world of fear-mongering, lying, cheating, abuse, rape, marginalization, racism, homophobia, ignorance and self-indulgent greed and apathy.

I’m disheartened in many ways and am lonely for my tribe that doesn’t exist anymore because we are no longer the pack animals we should be and we are isolated, shallow, stressed and grieving what our souls know is missing.

Love is powerful and light forces darkness into the corners. Yet so many are turning their backs on love. My heart is heavy. Goodness and loving thy neighbor aren’t that hard. We have failed in teaching our children this simple act of kindness. For those of us that call ourselves Christians, we are dishonoring Jesus with hate and not caring for the least of these. Whether it’s your faith or not, love, forgiveness, kindness, understanding, and helping those less fortunate than yourself should be pretty simple concepts to get behind. Protecting the Earth, being thoughtful and generous, supporting truth and fairness, being gentle to our interconnected fellow beings, should be second nature. You have to put blinders on to ignore what is happening around us.

I’ve always been intense and opinionated, even as a little child, and it’s likely why I have spent so much of my life feeling unloved, unwanted and alone. I have often felt like an alien that doesn’t belong here, or anywhere I know of. Yet those exact feelings are what have driven me to adopted medically needy, hard to place children, spend much of my life as an advocate for others and fighting for justice for all. My heart is hurting and is in a state of perpetual grief for what we have become and the evils we aren’t undoing or standing unwaveringly against.

I have failed many times and have plenty of shortcomings but my heart is my best quality and knows by intuition and centeredness what is clearly right or wrong. If you haven’t felt the impact of the failing mental health system, you will. Because it hasn’t hit your circle yet doesn’t mean you should ignore the crisis and look away. Our collective futures depend on it.

Apathy is ugly, inexcusable, unsexy, ignorant and disgusting. Feel. Open your hearts, minds, souls and eyes. Do good. Make positive change. Even a tiny act of kindness ripples out and spreads goodness. Help. You are here right now, intentionally and purposefully, and it is no accident that you are reading these words that your heart knows to be true.

The only way we will fix our deepest soul’s perpetual grieving for what we instinctively know we need and have lost, is to push back and reach for it again. We can’t let hatred and ignorance win. Fear-mongering must go. We should want our neighbors to be healthy too, not just our children. We all belong to each other. That’s what we are here to learn, even if we differ, we are our own, and until we turn on that knowing again, we will remain in perpetual grief.

The Catch 22 of Strength and Resilience

14 Sep

There is something magical about powerful women. There is a primal, maternal nature that pushes through the most unfathomable circumstances, and often looking damn good doing it. Our intuition runs purposefully and intentionally like electricity through a power strip. We are antennae. When we tune in, we pick up other channels, the vibrations and energy of others, which puts us in a paradoxical place of being prepared to protect and defend, as well as hyper-vulnerable to danger, burnout and exhaustion.

Some of the best compliments of my life have been people saying that I am one of the strongest and most resilient women they know. Maybe they’ll say that they can’t imagine doing what I need to do or how they would juggle a life like mine. That’s nice, but it’s a way to set me apart. This both prevents them from getting the complicated mess of my life on them, making me an anomaly rather than the norm, which frees them from uncomfortable feelings they don’t want to face (maybe feelings of social responsibility or civic duty), and also keeps someone like me at arm’s length.

Powerful, strong, resilient, fighters don’t need anyone else right? Or any help? Or an opportunity to melt down and have a soft place to fall (as Dr.Phil would say)? Of course not! We aren’t super-human! We aren’t saints! We are just doing our best to get by like everyone else. Our cups get empty now and then. Sometimes we just need some hugs and some ice-cream and a quiet place to cry, and then we can dust off and get back up and take on the evils of the world and slay dragons again.

Being powerful is not the opposite of being vulnerable. Authentic vulnerability is a sign of the ultimate soul power. It’s an ability to connect and tap into the universal, cosmic channel that we are all programmed to find and tune into so we can be an inter-dependent, collective. We are pack animals requiring the relationship and understanding of others. That is a simple truth. Each and every soul is a piece to a greater puzzle, and the more we deny it and fight it, the harder life gets.

Energy changes in groups. We can all feel this when we walk into a room. What do you feel? Is it light or dark? Rejuvenating or depleting? What can you, only you, specifically you, do to make it better? Not later…not someday…but right now. How can you extend your light to ripple out and positively affect others? That’s the trick. That’s the lesson. We all just need to find a way to do what we are uniquely put here to do, but we cannot do it alone. We do not exist in a vacuum and our light is so much brighter as a kick ass super hero team. All of us…not just those we set apart as different…the freaks or the x-men, the avengers or the geek squad, the weirdos or the superstars…all of us have the ability and obligation to shine our light and reach out to those around us. We need everyone so we all don’t go down with this sinking ship.

Just because someone has survived and is strong doesn’t mean they don’t need you. All of us are not only capable of change and reaching the goal of being our highest vibrational selves, but we are required to do it. Once we have awareness, we are contracted to spread the light and goodness, the empathy and positive change around. Sometimes that’s just a smile, buying a stranger a coffee, or pitching in where you see a need. And sometimes the person who may be most impacted by what small gesture you offer is the one you thought was so strong and resilient that they had it all together in the first place.

Haunting the Ghosting

13 Jun

Yesterday, I once again learned of more lies, cheating and betrayal regarding my ex-fiancé….easily and simply the very worst mistake of my life. It is a terrible birthday present to be reminded of the meanest, most thoughtless, manipulative and creepy person that I ever invited into my life and the lives of my already traumatized children.

This man deserves no power, no reward, no conquests, no acknowledgments. He deserves to only comprehend what he has done to so many. I’ll continue to pay for his wrong-doing and there is no amount of money great enough to buy off his damage and disease.

I am not a vengeful person. I don’t believe in punishment, only consequence. And the consequences are plenty, even if he is currently unaware. His un-evolved soul knows. It’s why he has to ghost…he can’t face what he’s done and who he really is.

My glory, my honor, my worthiness, my integrity, my success, my legacy and my happiness will haunt him. It is inevitable. I’m powerful. I’m sexy. I’m strong. I am honest. I’m loyal. He could only wish to be those things and not one person on the planet will stand at his grave and claim them as truth. That’s haunting.

I have a future. My kids know the difference between integrity and a price tag. You cannot buy what we have. You cannot buy love, family, joy, integrity. Exciting things are brewing. Abundance is on its way. My purpose is destined and immovable.

These facts about this creature that ghosted kids, will likely bubble up once in awhile. It’s my consequence for a very poor choice. Our haunting of him likely intrudes on his cushy, insincere life far more often. There are pieces of us everywhere. Memories haunt, especially when we know we consciously did the wrong thing.

He ghosted so many women and families, but if you ask me, haunting is much worse. Haunting is his consequence and he can’t buy his way out of that.